Wakaru is composed of several modules :
  • Dictionary
  • Web browser 
  • Ebook reader
  • PDF reader
  • FlashCard Viewer


Japanese-English (165,000 entries)
Japanese-French (15,000 entries) Japanese proper names (700,000 entries)

Lookup of conjugated words (verbs and adjectives) and full sentences

Link to external dictionary applications (Wisdom English-Japanese, Nouveau Petit Royal Japonais-Français, Daijirin, Daijisen, Ruigo, Goo Jisho, Imiwa?, MidoriWeblio)


Web browser

Pop-up dictionary
Button to add words to a study-list

Landscape and portrait orientation


Ebook reader

Pop-up dictionary (in a popover near your selection or at screen bottom)
Automated word selection
Auto-lookup for selected word
Button to add words to a study-list

Access to Aozora Bunko (more than 10'000 free ebooks in Japanese) and Hoshizora Bunko built-in.
Search by title, author name or kanji difficulty (8 levels of ebooks are defined and related to Japanese Language Proficiency Test Levels).

Support of Aozora Bunko format (rubi, images, table of contents)

Import of text files by direct download from Aozora Bunko, by copy or paste and from iTunes file sharing
Support of SJIS and UTF8 encodings

Horizontal and vertical text layout
3 font types
6 font sizes

Text and page color fully customizable. Textured background available.
Dark mode

Two modes to change pages (swipe or tap)
Fast page change with slider

Landscape and portrait orientation

Optional clock display
Adjustable screen brightness

Document-wide keyword search

Possibility to have custom readings for certain readings

Shortcut to last read file
Several novels provided as example including "I Am a Cat" by Natsume Soseki.


PDF Reader

Look-up of Japanese text
Document-wide keyword search
Scrolling lock
Page bookmark


Space Repetition System

Flash-cards for words added to a study-list
Space for annotation
Space Repetition System (SRS)
Automatic generation of question / answer for SRS via many templates

Export in csv and html format